Chickpea, zinc, amino acid, yield, qualityAbstract
This research was conducted to determine the effects of zinc (Zn0, Zn1, Zn2, Zn3, Zn4) and amino acid (aa0, aa1, aa2, aa3) containing fertilizers applied at different doses to the Azkan registered chickpea variety in Konya Kadinhanı ecological conditions on the yield, yield elements, and quality characteristics. It was established in 2022 according to the Factorial Trial Design in blocks with 3 replications.
As a result of the research, according to zinc and amino acid applications, grain yield is 242.66-274.66 kg/da, protein rate is 21.41%-21.44%, protein yield is 56.03-56.14 kg/da, hundred grain weight is 44.78-44.36 g, plant height 42.11-41.48 cm, number of pods per plant 37.65-41.98 pieces/plant, first pod height 17.83-18.24 cm and number of branches 8.90- It varied between 8.46 units/plant. According to the results of the variance analysis, the difference between the amino acid doses in the number of pods in the plant was statistically significant at the 1% level, while the variance analysis results for other features and applications were not statistically significant. According to the variance analysis, the highest grain yield was obtained from the parcels where the highest zinc and amino acid doses were applied, although it was not found to be significant.
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