Writing Rules

A.General Principles

International Journal of Health and Applied Sciences publishes the individual researches conducted about Math, Engineering, Health and Natural sciences servers science which may be defined as a collection of significant scientific and technological advancements and innovations related to such researches. The language of the journal is Turkish and English. In Turkish publications, the new guide published by the Turkish Language Association and the Turkish dictionary are taken as basis. It is highly advisable for the authors who wrote their studies in English to have their manuscripts checked or edited by a linguistic before sending them.

The manuscripts to be published in the journal should not be published in other journals or must not have taken any publication right before. The studies have to be prepared according to scientific rules and ethics. The results of any research to be published as a manuscript need to have the report of a committee of ethic and that report’s copy should be attached with the manuscript itself. The author or all the authors whose studies are to be published in the journal will own all kind of liabilities in terms of their manuscripts.

The manuscripts submitted for publication will have a preevaluation period by Journal Editor and Editorial Board. Editorial Board is authorized to send back the manuscripts which they have found not having enough quality, to their authors without informing or sending to referees. Moreover the manuscripts having spelling or grammar errors or failing to be compatible with writing rules will be send back to the authors. The manuscripts being evaluated send to at least two referees. After the evaluation of both the referees and Editorial Board, if the manuscript has not qualified, it will be send back to the author(s) with the reasons for rejection. The studies having qualified after the evaluation of Editorial Board will be provided with correction or suggestion list by the referees if there are any. The corrected manuscripts with their correction lists or reports are to be uploaded to the system in maximum 30 days. The manuscripts sent after this period will not be accepted. The Editorial Board will finalize whether the manuscript will be published or not after taking the reports of the referees and the corrections into consideration.  

The accepted manuscripts’ galley proofs will be sent to corresponding author and authors edit or check those in terms of printing errors and send them back as soon as possible. When the manuscript is qualified to be published, the context, text, the authors or the sequence of the authors cannot be changed.

The author or the authors of any manuscript have to sign a Copyright Release Form if they give the publication right to International Journal of Health and Applied Sciences.

In a single volume, maximum two manuscripts of the same author can be published.

International Journal of Health and Applied Sciences will be published four times a year in March, June, September and December.  


B.Manuscript Preparation Format

The text will be written on an A4 page format, 12 pontes (including all the titles), in Times New Roman writing style with double space. All the margins up or down, left or right must be 2.5 cm and every page should be numbered (the numbering should be till the end). The paragraph indent will be 0.5 cm.

Manuscripts should include the following sections; Title, Abstract, Keywords, 1. Introduction, 2. Materials and Methods, 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusions, Declaration of Author Contributions (if any), Declaration of Conflicts of Interest (if any), Funding (if any), Ethical Committee Approval (if any), Acknowledgment (if any), References, Figures and Tables. According to the manuscript style or format the “Discussion” part can be separated from the results part and be evaluated in a separate section. All the titles of main chapter names or subchapters will be written in bold, small letters without any paragraph indent.

The manuscript should not include (after the title) the name or surname of the author, the institution, correspondence data etc while their being uploaded (Manuscript and Template).

The manuscript should not exceed 24 pages including reference list. Author/authors may use the Article Preparation Template at the web site of the journal to create these sections.

  The manuscript should be prepared according to the following guidelines.

Title: It should be short, precise and related to the subject of the manuscript, the first letters of the words be in capital in bold and centered.

In the manuscripts prepared according to the master thesis, the title of the manuscript will have * sign on it and the details will be written as footnotes on the first page, left hand margined with 7 pontes.  

Abstract: The abstract will be short, precise and be able to summarize the important points of the manuscript-the reasons, the methods, the findings and what the findings mean. Abstract should not exceed 300 words. No literature should be used in this section. Abstract sections should be given in English headings without paragraph indentation below 1 line.

Keywords: "Keywords" are written in 1 line below the abstracts. This section must be written with all letters with lower case (apart from proper names), if possible, maximum six words telling the study the best which were not used in the title should be chosen.

  1. Introduction:This section includes the content of the manuscript, the reason or objective with related literature and the hypothesis to be tested.
  2. Materials and Methods: The materials used and the methods should be under the same title. If there are subtitles, they should be numbered as 2.1., 2.2…etc with the section number. The materials used and especially the newly modified or changed methods need to be briefly explained so as to enable other researchers to use them later. However if they have been published before, they should be referred to the owner without any explanation. Proper statistics or statistical methods to explain the related hypothesis should be chosen and used accordingly. When necessary, standard deviation errors or standard deviations need to be given as measures.
  3. Results and Discussion: The results need to be supported with tables, graphs or figures in this section if necessary. Especially the figures given in a table should not be repeated or replicated in other contexts or figures. However, the significant data in the figures need to be explained in a context. If the statistical data or method has not been used properly according to the article, the statistics editor may exclude the article beyond evaluation. The significance of the data obtained here, the contribution of the article supported with related literature need to be commented on this section briefly.  
  4. Conclusions: The conclusions, their contribution to the science and if any, the suggestions need to be given briefly in this section. The utterances used in introduction, results and discussion parts should not be repeated.

 Declaration of Author Contributions

The authors declare that they have contributed equally to the article. All authors declare that they have seen/read and approved the final version of the article ready for publication.

 Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

All authors declare that there is no conflict of interest related to this article.


This study was supported with the project numbered “2016.10.07.1091” by the Scientific Research Projects (BAP) Coordinatorship of the Rectorate of Siirt University and “120O576” by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).

 Ethical Committee Approval

In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article.

In case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article.


This study was produced from the master's/doctoral thesis of the first author.


The reference rules used in the manuscript.

Progress reports, project outcome reports, project proposals, theses that are not open to access, and internet information that has not been scientifically meaningful should not be referenced.

Cite references in the text as author’s last name should be followed by the year of the publication in parentheses. For instance; (Çığ, 2010), (Ökten and Eren, 2013).

If the author is referred directly, only the year should be in brackets. For example; According to Eren (2010) or Ökten and Ener (2013)

Use “et al” after the first author’s last name for citations with three or more authors. For instance; (Ener et al., 2013) or Ener et al. (2013)

If there are several works published in the same year of the same author then the reference should be sequenced with a,b,c,d… after the publication year as in the following (Turan et al., 2011a) or Turan et al. (2011a) / (Turan et al., 2011a, 2011b).

If there will several references to the same author then it should be done as in the following with (,) between the years.  (Eken, 2010, 2012, 2013)

When referring to authors more than one, the (;) should be used between them and according to the chronological order. (Eken et al., 2016; Akın et al., 2018; Turan, 2019).

If there are different authors having the same publication years, then it should be done according to the alphabetical order as in the following: (Eken and Aksel 2022; Ökten, 2022; Özyal et al., 2022)

Preparing the reference list;

All the references used in the whole context of the manuscript should be done according to the authors last name in alphabetical order using the original language. The journal and congress symposium names should be written in full format without any abbreviations and in italic letters. In the reference list, the first line will start without any indent and the other lines will have 0.5 cm margin. The titles of the manuscripts will all be written with lower case unless they are proper names. The author of the manuscript will be liable for incorrect references or resource. According to the above, the different sources’ references will be made according to the following guidelines.

Journal Articles;

Eren, S., 2018. Vegetation characteristics, rangeland status and health determination of some natural rangelands. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 19(4): 368-373.

Eren, S., Ökten, K., 2019. Some characters of rangeland vegetation in Batman province. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences, 23(1): 27-33.

Eren, S., Ökten, K., 2021. Nitrogen requirement of Italian (Lolium multiflorum): a review. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Sciences, 2(1): 26-30.

Eren, S., Ökten, K., Aksel, U., 2018. Basic vegetation characteristics of village pastures connected to Mardin province and its provinces. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 5(4): 406–413.

Turan, N., Akel, S., Işık, U.,  2020. Determination of macronutrient contents of dry grass of some vetch species in different mixing ratios with barley. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(3): 597-608.



Ökten, K., Eren, S., 2021. Legumes Processing and Potential (1. Baskı). Iksad Publishing House, No: 278, Ankara.

Davis, R.A., 1992. Depositional Systems: An Introduction to Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

 Book Chapter;

Akel, M.A., Bektaş, H., Açıkbaş, S., 2021. Legumes processing and potential (Ed: K.Ökten, S. Ener). Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.), Iksad Publishing House, Ankara, s.3-54.

Brown, B., Aaron, M., 2001. The politics of nature. In: J. Smith (Ed), The Rise of Modern Genomics, 3rd edn., Wiley, New York, pp. 230-257.

Conference Proceedings;

Ener, S., Isık, U., 2019. Wings of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) and its evaluation as an innovative food source for fish. International Agriculture and Rural Development Congress, Conference Proceedings Book, 10-12 June, Siirt, pp. 559-569.

Isık, S., 2020. Calcereous rangelands amelioration applications from the world. International Euroasia Congress on Scientific Researches and Recet Trends-7, Conference Proceedings Book, 6-9 December, Baku, Azerbaycan, s. 444-447.

Eren, N., Isık, S., 2021. A minor feed legume crop: yellow lupine  ISPEC 8th International Conference On Agriculture, Animal Science And Rural Development, Conference Proceedings Book, 24-25 December, Van, s. 748-756.


Eren S., 2012. Effect of harvesting stage and rate of defoliation on the (yield) and properties of shrub-medic . Ms Thesis, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Ege University, İzmir.

Eren, S., 2017. Investigation of the effects of different sowing times of different varieties on second crop maize silage yield and quality. PhD Thesis, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Dicle University, Diyarbakır.

Berbert, P.A., 1995. On-line density-independent moisture content measurement of hard winter wheat using the capacitance method. PhD Thesis, Crandfield University (Unpublished), UK.

The publications whose authors are not given;

Anonymous, 2021. Crops and Livestock Products. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QCL), (Accessed: 20.04.2020).

Internet Sources;

Anonim, 2021. Turkey's Total Biomass Energy Potential. Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, General Directorate of Energy Affairs, Biomass Energy Potential Atlas, (https://bepa.enerji.gov.tr/), (Accessed:10.09.2020)

Figures and Tables:  All kinds of figures, images, graphs, pictures, photos, maps or similar materials should be perceived as “Figures” and the columns and charts be told as “table” in bold. All the tables and figures should be listed at the end of the article in numerical order. The figures should have enough resolution in order to be published. The pictures should be 600 dpi resolution in jpg format.

All figures or tables need to be referred in the manuscript and numbered subsequently. (Figure 1, Figure 2 or Table 1, Table 2 ). The titles of the figures or tables and the explanations should be short and brief.

The titles of the figures or tables will be written in 11 fonts and the explanations will be in 9 fonts. All kinds of abbreviations used for the statistics in the tables or figures should be explained as footnotes in 7 fonts and the explanations should be separated with a “comma”. The footnotes will be finalized with a “ full stop” “.”.


Units: Units of measurement should all be in SI (Systeme International d’Units) units. Use a period in decimal fractions (4.75 rather than 4,75).

Avoid using “/”. Include a space between the units (m s-1 rather than m/s, kg m s-2 rather than kg m/s2). Units should have a single space between the number and the unit (9 kg P2O5 ha-1, 13 kg m-1 s-2, 30 N m, 2 dS m-1, 15 °C). The only exceptions are for angular definitions, minutes, seconds and percentage; do not include a space (22°, 33', 50", 41%).

The abbreviation of liter is “L”. If unit abbreviation is not at the end of the sentence, do not use “.” (kg rather than kg.).

Abbreviations and Symbols: Abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible. The symbols should be according to Article Preparation Format. If there is an abbreviation in the manuscript, the abbreviation should be explained briefly like fosfor (P). The same thing is valid for the symbols. Internationally accepted and commonly used abbreviations should be preferred.

The SI (Systeme International d’Units) measuring units will be used.

Formulas: The formulas should be numbered and the number should be written on right hand margin in parenthesis.

The formulas should be written according to Microsoft word program Mathematical processing with 11 fonts, the variables are in italics, numbers and mathematical figures are written in straight style. If there is a reference in the context, it should be as “Equation 1” (the related model is given in Equation 1”)

Supplementary Files

The following documents or attachment with the manuscript of the article should be prepared and uploaded to the system:

  • Name/surname of the author/authors, institutional information, correspondence information of the related person with Title Pagein Word format
  • The Copyright Release Form signed by all the authors and scanned in PDF format
  • Ethics Committee Approval (if needed)

If the manuscript is accepted to be published, the original form of Copyright Release Form should be sent to the editor.

Manuscript Submission

Prepared manuscript and related additional files should only be uploaded using the "Submit a Manuscript" section of the web site of the International Journal of Health and Applied Sciences (https://healthappsci.com/index.php/pub/about/submissions) by corresponding author who is responsible for the manuscript.

Authors will be able to follow progress of their manuscript from the journal web site. Authors who cannot complete the article loading steps can send an e-mail to ijhasjournal@gmail.com to ask for help.