Current Desensitizing Agents for the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity
dentin hypersensitivity, treatment, dentin desensitizing agentsAbstract
Dentine sensitivity is a common condition characterized by short-term, sharp pain triggered by thermal, tactile, and chemical stimuli. It ranges from mild and sudden discomfort to more severe cases that can significantly impact the quality of life. Various treatment approaches have been developed to manage dentine sensitivity. The initial step typically involves desensitizing agents like desensitizing toothpastes and mouthwashes that patients can apply at home. Following this, professional treatments are administered, which may involve either invasive or noninvasive procedures in a clinical setting. Noninvasive clinical treatments often refer the application of desensitizing agents. This study aims to explore the current desensitizing agents utilized in treating dentine sensitivity.
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