Microcapsulation, gelatine, sodium alginate, cosmetic, controlled releaseAbstract
Microencapsulation is a technology that supplying the coatings of the active materials around them with more than one number of the coating substances. Nowaday most useful are fats, the oils esantial oils,aromatics and the vitamins are encapsulated.There is increase in microencapsulation of the food,the medicals,the cultivars,the textiles and in the cosmetic industry. The rose oil utilised at cosmetics products haves a transparent color, it is antioxidant, antiseptique and antibacterial, although it can remove the skin spots, too. The rose of the Halfeti, was spread naturally next to Şanlıurfa, anatomical properties are from Liliaceae family like Scilla mesopotamica and Asphodeline damascena subsp. gigantea tacsonomical is endemic species, Tulipa aleppensis is harvesting in Syria, this last is nonendemical rare occuring species. There is seen that researcher shows the meaningful deerease of the Liliaceae family (black rose) population. At is stady and their scope were investigated the importance and benefication fields of the black rose, there will recomending the saffety and the increase of production. When it is observing the harvesting mediums and the spreading fields of the black roses; the habitat, the light brightness, the annual sunny days number and the medium temperature must be higher. When temperature and light are arise the color of the rose turn to the black; contrary the color changes to the sour cherry and to the red color. This rose hawes move higher adaptation success, color order and odor production capability tham other roses. Because last reasons the Southeast Anatolian region can supply all ecological properties of black roses. Another Word Halfeti rose grows only in Turkey this is great profit economical opportinity for our contry. But the rose oil is different from other roses oils and become to solidification under 20 elow 16 is full solidified and crystalline. When were increasing of the hydrocarbons ratios(paraphines and stearoptens) the rose oil become to be harder ever at the room temperature and lost their characteristical odor. For this reason, in this work vidmicroencapsulation method can supplying protection and durability of the oil.
For microencapsulation purpare here will beneficate from frequently utilised at cosmetic, hinger biocompatible, the nontoxical and nonallergical protein based polymer is gelatine. Outer coating material can effecting on important degree the amorphological
and stuctural properties of the microcapsulation. For that reason microencapsulation of the rose oil performed with gelatine and the second coating material are choosen biodegratable, biocompatable and antibacterial natural polymer like sodium alginate was preffered. The Project studies there will synthesysing rose oil containing microcapsules due to different gelatine/sodium alginate raties. For determination of morphology of the synthesized microcapsulation there useful Scanning Electron Microscop(SEM) and for structural studies have of use the FTIR and Differantial Thermal Analysis (DTA-TG) method, other than for impore the antibacterial effects of mikrocapsules the tests for Grame(-) Escherichia coli(E.Coli) and Gram(+) bacterium is Staphylococcus aureus (S. Aureus) will be treated; there will obderving and will insights, for sodium alginate and gelatine coated microcapsules antimicrobial effects. There is purpose to research the possibility for benefication of the gelatine and sodium alginate coated and rose oil containing microcapsules. Again there is aim to research newest areas for utilisation of the cummercial important rose oil for our chontry.
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