Corporate Communication in Healthcare, Corporate Communication Tools, Public Hospitals, Organizational Charts, KonyaAbstract
Corporate communication encompasses the internal and external communication processes of organizations, contributing significantly to the management and sustainability of processes such as image, reputation, and brand value. Providing clues about how operations are managed within an organization, corporate communication has profound implications across various sectors and units of a company. Organizational charts can be considered one such reflection. Organizational charts provide crucial insights into how systems are managed, operations are conducted, and corporate authority and responsibilities are shared within a company. Evolving through processes like vertical, bureaucratic, decentralized, and networked organization, organizational charts are particularly crucial in understanding their creation in today's healthcare institutions, where bureaucratic efficiency in practical matters related to sustaining life is imperative.
This study focuses on public hospitals under the Ministry of Health in Konya province, forming the universe of the research, with all hospitals in the area included. Content analysis of the organizational charts of these hospitals was conducted using a research form prepared according to the Health Ministry's Quality Standards in Health (SKS) KKU04.03. The findings reveal that while the organizational charts developed under SKS are intended to strengthen corporate identity and optimize corporate communication, none of the organizational charts in Konya fully meet the minimum criteria outlined in SKS standards.
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___ ___, https://konyaism.saglik.gov.tr/TR-56452/kamu-hastaneleri.html

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