Pharmacological, Activity, Awareness, Mental, AlzheimerAbstract
The aim of this study is to measure the effect of artistic, mental, psychomotor and physical activities on the mental status of patients with a multidisciplinary approach using non-pharmacological methods applied in Alzheimer’s disease and to raise awareness in the society against the disease. Since the application of non-pharmacological methods in Alzheimer’s treatment is simple and costless, the methods specified in our project can reduce the health expenditures of the state by enabling Alzheimer’s patients to be self-sufficient for a longer period of time. In this context, since data were collected through different activities in our project, a mixed method using both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods was preferred. First of all, literature research was conducted on the subject and necessary connections were established with the institutions providing social services to Alzheimer’s patients in our region. Then a six-week project activity plan was prepared with a multidisciplinary approach. In partnership with Alzheimer’s Life Center and our institution; non-pharmacological methods that we prepared in the project were applied on 6 patients diagnosed with first stage Alzheimer’s registered in the life center. In addition, in order to create social awareness of the disease, theater, awareness talks and different activities were held for students and parents in our institution, and the changes in the awareness level of the participants were interpreted from the data obtained with open-ended questions before and after the activities. Two open-ended questions were asked after each activity to see the psychological effects of the methods used on the patients and the Mini Mental State Test was conducted to see the mental effects. According to the findings obtained from the activities, the patients stated that they enjoyed and were happy with the activities carried out during the project. It was determined that the mental status and psychology of the patients were positively affected. It was concluded that the multidisciplinary activities regularly implemented in the project can slow down the progression of the disease by positively affecting the mental status levels of the patients in general. In addition, it was observed that awareness of the disease was raised in the society with the awareness activities implemented. The society was informed about the causes of the disease and the treatment process. Authorized institutions are recommended to provide psychological support, medical support, activity support, awareness raising about the disease, patient follow-up systems support and care support for these patients and their relatives.
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